McAfee Internet Satanurity

I'm sure some of you have heard of an electronic device known as a laptop, right? Well I had an interesting experience with one today, and I hope it doesn't happen to you!
So, I was reading a scary Creepypasta known as (name removed for copyright purposes),an advertisement popped up for McAfee Internet Security. I didn't think of it at the time. They wanted me to pay $90 for an antivirus software I could just get for free. I yelled at the ad to fuck off, and continued reading the story.
However, the spookiness doesn't end there! The pop up kept appearing, getting louder and growing in size. I exed out of the website tab expecting it to stop, but it didn't. In fact, it got even worse, spawning multiple ads at once! I was so nervous I called my friend that I definitely have. He told me to turn the computer off and on again. He then reminded me how cool I was and that I'm not a fat loser that nobody likes.
But it JUST WOULDN'T END! That was when I said "Fuck it, I'll buy the internet shit-curity!" (I know, I have a great sense of humor and that's one of the reasons I'm so cool). As I went downstairs to get my credit card, I noticed it was missing from my wallet! I went upstairs to find that my computer was levitating, with my credit card, cell phone, and worst of all, my Gatorade stuck to my screen! It then got sucked into the screen as one more advertisement popped up, with a LOT of text. And I'll remember those cold, hard words for the rest of my life.
"lel i stol ur credit curd figgit"